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Not All Heroes Wear Capes!

It’s been a crazy kind of year! Just when I think I‘ve reached the pinnacle of my purpose, I am reminded that I have more to give. There will always be a reason to pursue and apply my purpose in various contexts of my role as an educator. I've learned, wherever God leads, I will follow. It is His love for me that shines bright in my work and interactions with others. My willingness to trust Him in all things is what he requires of me, as He carefully orchestrates the details of my life and delivers on His promises in His timing.

"Wherever God leads, I will follow."

When I say yes to God‘s will, I experience freedom to be who He created me to be. It doesn’t matter how big or small my contributions are to the world around me. God sees my sacrifices, challenges, and commitment to making a difference in the lives of others. I used to think that purpose had to be accentuated with an explanation point. I thought that big bodacious acts were a result of a purpose driven life, something that I’d never amount to. Also, I have learned over the years that God has given us a measure of gifts and talents to serve for a specific purpose. If and when we compare ourselves to the likes of others, we lose focus and diminish the effectiveness of our contributions. It is a surefire way of canceling oneself from experiencing the fullness of God's blessings.

"And be not conformed to this world: but ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable, and perfect will of God." -Romans 12:2

You too can experience the freedom that comes with surrendering your all to God. Don‘t limit yourself, by comparing your self-worth and success or lack thereof to the success of others. Ignore the noise. You have the power to move past disappointments, mistakes, setbacks, guilt, shame, and insecurities. Marva Collins (educator/advocate) expressed that you must speak, think, and act for yourself, because imitation is suicide. In those moments of uncertainty, consult the word of God and identify what it says about you. Remain steadfast in well doing, you’ve got to know who you are and whose you are. Without having a sense of self, the pressures of this world will consume you. Romans 12:2 says, “And be not conformed to this world: but ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable, and perfect will of God.“ One morning during my workout, I was listening to one of Bishop Jakes‘ sermons on YouTube, “Knowing in the Noise.” He mentioned that life will come at you wild and crazy, but greatness still exists within you. Never give up and allow your circumstances to keep you from living out your purpose. You’ve been equipped and empowered to overcome challenges. God will make a way in the middle of the noise. Don‘t get caught up in the approval or disapproval of others. The bishop concluded with a simple statement that resonated deeply with me. “Your admirers won’t make you and your enemies can’t break you!" In other words, quit admiring the admirers and worrying about the naysayers, neither one has the power to stop you from reaching your destiny.

"Your admirers won’t make you and your enemies can’t break you!" -T.D. Jakes

It‘s true, “Not All Heroes Wear Capes!“ A smile, high five, greeting, or an atta girl goes a long way. A simple act of kindness can change a life for the better. God doesn’t expect us to be perfect on our journey. But He wants us to honor Him, live in truth and carry out His will for our lives. Nope, it’s not easy, because we all fall short sometimes. When this happens, dust yourself off and get back up again. Right now, is a great opportunity to start aiming high, pursuing, and achieving your dreams. There is something wonderful in store for you, despite what you see. Ignore the noise… be amazing!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Gena Misciagno for my coffee cup, “Not all Heroes Wear Capes.” It influenced the theme of this blog. It is currently sitting on my desk at work as reminder to be humble and be accepting of the work that I do no matter how big or small.

“Not all Heroes Wear Capes.”


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